container/mts: Depacketise function

Issue #93 resolved
Saxon Milton created an issue

I propose that we add an Depacketise function to the mts package. I till take a a series of mts packets and unpack them into a slice of AccessUnit (or Frame) structs, which contain metadata like time and location etc as a map, and the h264 access unit. We could then derive a type from a []AccessUnit called H264/H265Video that provides a method to get the raw H265/H264 as a slice.

Comments (7)

  1. Saxon Milton reporter
    • edited description

    I propose that we add an Unpack function to the mts package. I till take a a series of mts packets and unpack them into a slice of AccessUnit (or Frame) structs, which contain metadata like time and location etc, and the h264 access unit. We could then derive a type from a []AccessUnit called H264/H265Video that provides a method to get the raw H265/H264 as a slice.

  2. Saxon Milton reporter

    @scruzin ping
    (would this warrant a design doc ? It might make it clearer to see what I’m intending)

  3. Alan Noble

    Yes, just a short design note would be helpful. BTW, re nomenclature, pack/unpack usually denote converting a struct to/from a serial representation. So not sure unpack is the right verb in this case.

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