Pins X20, X21 and X22 no longer working.

Issue #30 resolved
Scott Barnard created an issue

When testing pins X20, 21, 22 and 23, it seems that this is no longer working. Most likely culprit is the changes made to netsender in iot PR #68.

The issue comes from the introduction of the la pin, which has data but no mime type. Pins that have an empty mime type have their data put in the url. This is a problem because the X pins (which have an empty mime type) should have their val put in the url.

A solution would be that if a pin has empty data and an empty mime type, and val !=-1 then put the val in the url.

An example of typical values for Pins
pin: X21, val: 7, mime: , data:
pin: X22, val: 341448, mime: , data:
pin: X23, val: 4867976, mime: , data:
pin: la, val: 14, mime: , data:
pin: vt, val: 1190, mime: application/json, data: <jsondata>
pin: V0, val: 1219180, mime: video/mp2t, data: <videodata>

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