Generalized retry function

Issue #4 new
Alan Noble created an issue

A helper function for flexible retrying is proposed, rather than just retrying every N seconds or M attempts.

For example, the following pattern appears frequently in our code base.

for {

err = before()

if err != nil {






Such code would be replaced with the following:

for {

   retry(before, after, policy)


The policy would describe the retry policy to be implemented and would permit more flexible retry policies than simply trying again after waiting for a period fo time, e.g.,

type RetryPolicy struct {

wait time.Duration // Wait time between retries.

retries int               // Maximum number of retries, or 0 for forever.

exponential bool   // True for exponential backoff.


The before/after functions could be anonymous functions.

Comments (2)

  1. kortschak

    I think having a []func(<some meaningful set of parameters) error would probably be the approach I'd use here. Looking at the docs for iptables would likely be helpful for inspiration.

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