Permalinks for live streams

Issue #118 resolved
Alan Noble created an issue

For our live streams to be readily discoverable and searchable, their URLs must be permanent, i.e., “permalinks”.

There are (at least) two ways we might achieve this:

Method 1: URL redirection

For each live stream, we create a link that redirects to the YouTube live stream, e.g.,, and the underlying redirection is updated programmatically every time a new stream is created.

Method 2: Persistent streams

Each YouTube live stream persists indefinitely (hence the URL is permanent), even when there is no live content, i.e., the stream is paused at nighttime or for maintenance.

Comments (3)

  1. Saxon Milton

    What if we used datastore variables to store redirect URLs for streams that we can update programmatically after a broadcast request to youtube. For example, on setup of a broadcast using, we save/update a variable with name “Redirect.<broadcast name>” (e.g. “Redirect.CuttleCum”) with value of the youtube live URL that we can get from the YouTube API. We can add a handler for “” that will match the last part to a variable i.e. we take the last part of the URL and get any matching variables, and then redirect to the housed youtube live URL. For example, for “” the handler would try to get the variable with name “Redirect.cuttlecam” and then if found, redirect to the URL stored in the variables Value field.

  2. Saxon Milton

    On second thought, it’s probably not a good idea to have a URL that can be hit without authentication that performs datastore ops.

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