cron page: timestamp error when adding cron

Issue #133 resolved
Trek Hopton created an issue

When adding a some crons via the Vidgrind cron page an error is given:

could not put cron: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Timestamp seconds exceeds limit for field

This error was given when the following cron was entered:

ID=CamOn, Time=07:00, Action=set, Variable=ESP_2BAD6D.Power, Value=true, Enabled=true.


  • The site was AusOcean-JettyRig1
  • A similar cron was successfully added via the cron page: (ID=CamOn, Time=18:00, Action=set, Variable=ESP_2BAD6D.Power, Value=false, Enabled=true)
  • A cron with the same values was successfully added via the netreceiver settings page.

Looking at the entities on the datastore, it seems the cron time is stored differently, ie. year 0001 instead of 1970, perhaps this is the issue.

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