Search/Load Permission denied

Issue #216 closed
David Sutton created an issue

When trying to search for data on vidgrind/search, unless the data is being graphed, an error: permission denied is returned.

Comments (2)

  1. David Sutton reporter

    This error arises from search.go when checking for permissions (~line 270), this calls HasPermission(), which calls GetCredential(), which calls Get() which results in the error: “no such entity” when trying to get the credentials. This error happens on both the standalone version of VidGrind (filestore), as well as the hosted version (cloudstore).

  2. David Sutton reporter

    This issue was caused by a misunderstanding of the permissions system. At the time, even if a user has permission for a site, they did not by extension necessarily have permission for individual media in the site. This can currently be controlled by the media page to give permission to the media if someone has permission to the site. However, this is currently being deprecated, and the permissions going forward will be linked to the site instead.

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