Vidgrind does not have any way of creating variables if there are none.

Issue #22 on hold
Scott Barnard created an issue

On the device settings page, there is a list of variables for a given device including a field for adding more. However, if a device has no variables, such as when creating a new device, the list is not displayed. This is a problem as the interface for adding variables is not displayed either, making it impossible to create a variable.

A workaround is to revert to an older vidgrind version, create a variable and then update back to the current version.

Comments (6)

  1. Alan Noble

    Are you using the latest version? While the list of vars is not displayed, you can still arbitrary text to create new variables, i.e., the previous behaviour is preserved.

  2. Scott Barnard reporter

    I am using the latest version, I am not sure what you mean about abritrary test to create new variables. There is no box to enter the text into. Ill attach some screenshots.

  3. Scott Barnard reporter

    This is for a device with variables, where I can add new ones.

    This is for a newly created device that has zero variables. There is no way to create new ones.

    This is what it looks like with my changes. This is how I think it is supposed to look when you have a device with zero variables.

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