Devices page error standalone mode

Issue #221 resolved
David Sutton created an issue

The Devices page can not be accessed when running in standalone mode. The error is fatal and go ends the process.

This is the error reported in the logs:

ExecuteTemplate failed on set/device.html: template: device.html:435:42: executing "device.html" at <.Rkey>: can't evaluate field Rkey in type *main.devicesData
exit status 1

Comments (4)

  1. David Sutton reporter

    The error seems to originate from the template.go/ExecuteTemplate function. However, there seems to be some strange behaviour, where just logging the value of the return before the return seems to allow the page to load fully (go still panics and exits, but the contents on the page is loaded.

  2. Alan Noble

    Rkey used to refer to the remote site key for syncing from a standalone instance to a cloud instance. Since deprecating per-media credentials, the latter is no longer supported. The fix is to remove references to it.

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