site-menu: display selected site immediately since we have the name

Issue #284 resolved
Trek Hopton created an issue

It would improve user experience if the site name for the selected site shows up immediately in the site-menu, instead of having to wait for the name to be loaded with all the other sites.

This can be done because the site name for the selected site is store in the profile data. It’s important to update this initial render because the site name may change, but this is unlikely.

Currently (since PR #278) “select a site” is shown until the site’s name loads, which can take a bit of time. This may cause the user to think they don’t have a site selected, and go to the menu only to have it load and their action was pointless. It’s a minor thing but it’s good to iron out little frustrations in UI.

Comments (2)

  1. Alan Noble


    I think only times we should not show the name of the selected site is (1) when the user has logged in for the first time (or since being logged out) or (2) the selected site is no longer valid (e.g., due to be deleted by the admin).

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