Play: Play button enabled before audio is ready to play

Issue #331 resolved
David Sutton created an issue

When an audio file is imported to the play page from the search page, the play button is enabled. This makes the user think that it should allow the audio to play. However, at the moment the user still has to press continue first before being able to play.

Comments (5)

  1. Alan Noble

    The audio player UI is confusing. Can we dynamically update the Play/Pause button text so the user knows the current state?

  2. David Sutton reporter

    Are you suggesting that the button would dynamically update to “Play” when the audio is ready to play (paused), and “Pause” when the audio is playing.

    Or are you suggesting some combination of the continue button and the play button?

  3. Alan Noble

    Yes, when playing, the button should show “Pause” and when paused, it should show “Play.” Better, let’s yet use the play/pause icons commonly found in other players.

    Regarding the “Continue” button, since it is just for applying filters, it would be better named “Apply”.

  4. Trek Hopton

    We shouldn’t have to apply a filter by clicking “continue” or “apply” before hitting play. The audio should load as the page loads, then clicking “apply” for the filter should reload the audio with the filter applied.

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