broadcast: Reference devices by their type

Issue #393 new
Alan Noble created an issue

Camera on/off actions currently refer to device MAC addresses, e.g.,


It is proposed using device types instead, e.g.,


Comments (2)

  1. David Sutton

    I think we could go one step further, if we associate an ESP power more closely with a device (such as a camera), we could even just choose the device to power on and set the mode to normal.

    for example, the camera references power from the controller so it knows where it is getting powered from, in the broadcast, the user would only have to select which camera that want to use and the rest will be done for them under the hood.

    I’m not sure if there’s often a case like Stoney Pt where we have to do additional steps, but this could be hidden behind an advanced options menu most of the time.

  2. Alan Noble reporter

    Yes, it could be simplified. In a nutshell, there are three things we need to specify to be complete:

    • Controller (MAC)
    • Camera (MAC)
    • Power variable that powers the camera (which with the MEA will be one of Power1, Power2 or Power3).

    The camera mode is always one of Normal or Paused, so that can be auto-generated.

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