broadcast: broadcasts sometimes disable themselves after two minutes

Issue #414 resolved
Trek Hopton created an issue

I was trying to start the KI stream but after ticking enabled on the broadcast page and waiting a couple minutes, the box was unticked. Looking in the cloud logs, I saw this: (It was at 13:01 13/3/2024)

2024/03/13 02:31:05 (name: KI Oyster Reef by Kingscote Area School, id: JFNHPfxpXXA) failed to start broadcast: could not create broadcast: could not create broadcast: could not broadcast stream: could not insert broadcast: googleapi: Error 403: User requests exceed the rate limit., userRequestsExceedRateLimit response: {0 map[]}, resp: {0 map[]}

Comments (1)

  1. Saxon Milton

    This is explainable by youtube limiting us in the case the broadcast manager spams youtube with create broadcast requests, which only happens when we have bugs.

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