col logical error, in function ShowError, in!

Issue #85 new
xinsuinizhuan created an issue

When i local error, if (start_row != to_location[0])col is not right, so i can’t local the error.

I change it to:

def ShowError(self, logger, from_location, to_location): chunk_infos = self.GetChunkInfos(from_location, to_location) for infos, (start_row, start_col) in chunk_infos: row = 1 if from_location[0] < start_row else ( from_location[0] - start_row) col = from_location[1]-2 if (start_row == from_location[0]) else ( from_location[1] - start_col) start = (row, col) row = 1 if to_location[0] < start_row else ( to_location[0] - start_row) col = to_location[1]-2 if (start_row == to_location[0]) else ( to_location[1] - start_col) end = (row, col) if self.AppFrame is not None: self.AppFrame.ShowError(infos, start, end)

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