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UDPAndroid / Home

Welcome to UDP Android Test Tool

You can create issues here.

This page will be updated as needed. Sorry for the current lack of content...

Tasker Integration:

  1. Enable tasker integration in UDP Test tool.
  2. Name the tasker action name. By default UDP Test Tool names it "onUDPAction"
  3. Create a tasker Task.
  4. Name the tasker Task. You will have to use the correspondent value as set in UDP Test Tool settings: "onUDPAction"
  5. Add a action to the task. For the sake of this howto we will be using the Say action found under section"Misc"
  6. Set the Text value to "%udpmessage".

Wiki features

This wiki uses the Markdown syntax.

The wiki itself is actually a git repository, which means you can clone it, edit it locally/offline, add images or any other file type, and push it back to us. It will be live immediately.

Go ahead and try:

$ git clone

Wiki pages are normal files, with the .md extension. You can edit them locally, as well as creating new ones.

Syntax highlighting

You can also highlight snippets of text (we use the excellent Pygments library).

Here's an example of some Python code:


def wiki_rocks(text):
    formatter = lambda t: "funky"+t
    return formatter(text)

You can check out the source of this page to see how that's done, and make sure to bookmark the vast library of Pygment lexers, we accept the 'short name' or the 'mimetype' of anything in there.

Have fun!
