jmole crashes if there are whitespaces/newlines between <objectNameQuery> and </objectNameQuery>

Issue #61 resolved
Christian Bjørnbak created an issue

The <objectNameQuery>...</objectNameQuery> lines i jmole-docker/wildfly/JMole_WildFly_10.0.xml is very long.

IntelliJ IDEA reformats long lines at commit.

It add newlines and whitespaces between <objectNameQuery> and the content and/or between the content and </objectNameQuery>

Adding normalize-space(.) in JMole.xsl resolves this issue like:

<xsl:for-each select="objectNameQueries/objectNameQuery">
                                <void method="add">
                                    <string><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/></string>

Maybe it should be added to all <xsl:value-of/> selecting not selecting an attribute?

Comments (4)

  1. Christian Bjørnbak reporter

    Wanted to create a pull requests but I don't know how in bitbucket.

    I'll attach my patch JMole.xsl

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