
Clone wiki

API-2.0 / General_notes


  • development (if running locally): http://<tenant>
  • testing: https://<tenant>
  • production: https://<tenant>


Most API endpoints require authentication in the form of Authorization HTTP header. Backend support two forms of authentication: JWT and token based (legacy).


JWT is returned as bearer field in the Login response JSON. To use JWT authentication, provide Authorization header in the form "Bearer <JWT data>". Curl example:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImxpbGx5QGt1bmRlLmluZm8iLCJzaW5nbGVfYWNjZXNzX3Rva2VuIjoiZW4zcm1PekJKczZtb2VSTmx3cUsiLCJleHAiOjE0OTc5Nzk3NDUsImlzcyI6IkxhdW5jaDI3In0.DrDR4wYoj0LRDQ4tu8yKAJU-FqTEgzcy8wqwego9SGg' ...

Token based authentication (legacy. is not available starting from March 1st, 2023)

To use token based auth, provide Authorization header in the form "email:token" where token is a single_access_token returned by Login request. Curl example:

curl -H 'Authorization:' ...

Dates and datetimes format

Unless otherwise specified, all datetimes are returned in UTC and in ISO 8601 format. Unless otherwise specified, all incoming datetimes are interpreted in client's timezone. Examples:

  • 2015-01-31 - example date parameter for Get spots (will be parsed as Jan 31 2015 in client's TZ)
  • 2015-01-31T14:30 - example booking service_date parameter for Create booking (will be parsed as Jan 31 2015 2:30pm in client's TZ)

Rate limiting

Read and write API requests are separately rate limited and the current limits are returned in each response headers. For example these response headers:


mean that we allow a max sustained rate of 2 reqs/second for both reads and writes with bursts up to 30 reqs for reads and 10 reqs for writes. These limits are per client IP address. The limiter uses algo, that Wikipedia article has pretty good description how it works and how actual limits depend on sustained activity.


  • 400 Bad Request

Returned if POST/PUT request expected JSON but request body was empty. The response will have 'text/plain' content type with "Bad Request" body. Also returned if submitted JSON is invalid, in this case response will contain parser error.

  • 401 Unauthorized

Returned if neither Authorization header nor user_credentials cookie were found, or user credentials were invalid.

  • 403 Forbidden

Returned if requested feature (f.i. Giftcards API) is not available on current client plan.

  • 406 Not Acceptable

Returned if POST/PUT/DELETE request fails some precondition checks. The response will have 'text/plain' content type and response body can be a simple "Not Acceptable" string but usually will contain more descriptive message.

  • 415 Unsupported Media Type

Returned if POST/PUT/DELETE request is missing Content-Type:application/json header.

  • 422 Unprocessable Entity

Returned if POST/PUT request fails JSON schema or data validation checks. The server responds with JSON describing validation error(s) details. Here's an example response to the login request with an empty password:

    "message":"password: String length must be greater than or equal to 1",
    "description":"String length must be greater than or equal to 1",
  • 429 Too Many Requests

Returned if request rate exceeds rate limit.
