Create game log (record new game) feature

Issue #26 new
Airon Tark created an issue

Feature will be implemented using existing FieldView class. User will able to drag players on theirs points, and record game steps.

Comments (5)

  1. Airon Tark reporter


    • Added some logic in recorder activity.
    • Make minor refactor


    • Finish record feature
  2. Airon Tark reporter


    • Almost finished Recorder activity
    • Moving there working good, need to finish log saving
    • Added logic to replay flow


    • finish saving log in RecorderActivity
    • test replaying
  3. Airon Tark reporter

    Almost done with few small bugs which need to be fixed

    Stop development here on 50 hours as was told.

    Also I added some comments in the code.

  4. Airon Tark reporter

    Please note I only tested final result on Nexus 5. Maybe some problems with numbers on players - just have not time to check it.

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