Simplify equations like (1 - ((1 - (i/10)) / (1 - (i/10))))

Issue #133 resolved
Artur Rataj created an issue

(1 - ((1 - (i/10)) / (1 - (i/10)))) would be evaluated to 0 etc.

Comments (5)

  1. Artur Rataj reporter

    That's great. In an unrelated application Symja did not simplify the following to 0:

        util.evaluate("d-d*x1-c/(d*x1)+(c*d)/(d*x1)+(-c*d^2*x1)/(d*x1)+(c*d^2*x1^2)/(d*x1)+x3/(d*x1)+(-d*x3)/(d*x1)+(d*x1*x3)/(d*x1) - " +
                "( -(c-c*d-d^2*x1+c*d^2*x1+d^2*x1^2-c*d^2*x1^2-x3+d*x3-d*x1*x3)/(d*x1) )");

    but I needed it just once for debugging, so not a problem for me.

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