Evaluate with a determination of the domain

Issue #134 closed
Artur Rataj created an issue

For example:

i * ((1 - ((i * 1) / 10)) / (1 - ((i * 1) / 10))) -> i, i != 10

I could make it myself for the simple cases which I need, e.g. the equation could be traversed in order to check any divisor, like

[ Solve(1 - (i*1)/10 == 0, i) -> i==10 ] -> i != 10

but perhaps it can already be done with symja functionality?

Comments (3)

  1. Artur Rataj reporter

    No, I mean that evaluating i * ((1 - ((i * 1) / 10)) / (1 - ((i * 1) / 10))) to i loses the fact, that the former has an undefined value at i == 10. Would it be possible to e.g. add flags to Evaluate() like "check division by zero" so that the example equation would evaluate not to "i", but to "i, i != 10" or, if Symja could not determine the domain according to the flags, it would rather return the equation as is?

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