LinearProgramming improvement

Issue #80 resolved
Dev AM created an issue

I guess that LinearProgramming command syntax could be simplified, accepting as parameter only a system of inequalities.

LinearProgramming[{-2, 1, -5}, {{1, 2, 0},{3, 2, 0},{0,1,0},{0,0,1}}, {{6,-1},{12,-1},{0,1},{1,0}}] vs LinearProgramming[{-2, 1, -5}, {{2y+x<=6},{2y+3*x<=12},{y>=0}}] or something equivalent.

Comments (3)

  1. Axel Kramer repo owner

    I started implementing NMinimize(), NMaximize() functions for linear objective and constraints.


    NMinimize({-2*x+y-5, 2y+x<=6&&2y+3*x<=12&&y>=0},{x,y})
    NMaximize({-2*x+y-5, 2y+x<=6&&2y+3*x<=12&&y>=0},{x,y})

    Please check the implementation carefully. At the moment only Equal, GreaterEqual and LessEqual relations are allowed.

    See this commit:

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