Quadratic equation discriminant method

Issue #88 resolved
Alfio Caprino created an issue

I can't find a method to solve a quadratic equation with the delta method. I there is, could someone tell me how to do it? If not, is possible to implement it?

Comments (6)

  1. Axel Kramer repo owner

    You can use Solve for example:


    or the Roots and NRoots functions:


  2. Alfio Caprino reporter

    How can I download the updated version with this commit?

    When I evaluate an equation I obtain (for example):


    -3+x^2+2x==0 x^2+2x-3==0 x^2+2*x==3

    Solve(-3+x^2+2x==0,x) Solve(x^2+2x==3,x) {{x->-3}, {x->1}}

    I was wandering if there is a way to evaluate it trough the discriminant method.

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