Integrate x(x+1) doesn't work

Issue #91 resolved
Former user created an issue

Integrate(x(x+1),x) freeze the phone, while Integrate(x*(x+1),x). I already setted relaxedSyntax = true:

Comments (7)

  1. Dev AM

    The simple code: EvalEngine e = new EvalEngine(true); System.out.println(e.evaluate("Integrate(x(x+1),x)"));

    Gives me "Integrate(x(x+1),x)" as result...yes. I guess this is not the correct result, is it?

  2. Axel Kramer repo owner

    "Integrate(x(x+1),x)" cannot be further integrated, so it returns he input

    See the difference in the full form of the 2 expressions:

    >>> FullForm(x(x+1))
    "x(Plus(1, x))
    >>> FullForm(x*(x+1))
    "Times(x, Plus(1, x))"
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