StepListener different calls pc/android

Issue #92 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi! I'm trying to implement the steplistener class. I noticed that class to add method of StepListener are different from pc to android phone, settigns and code are the same. How is this possible?

Comments (9)

  1. Dev AM

    Something similar once happened to a question of memory. Are you executing it on the main thread on another thread? If latter, try to execute the code in the main thread and see what happens.

  2. Dev AM

    I'v done some tests. If I run Integrate(x*(x+1),x) on a background thread, my listener has a different output (smaller, there are missing a lot of steps), more my logcat reports a lot of logs from symja. Else, if I run Integrate(x^2+x, x) I obtain the same stepListener results as if I run the command on the main thread. This is a bit weird :/

    Edit. I tried both symja-mini-YYYY-MM-DD.jar and symja-lib-YYYY-MM-DD.jar

  3. Dev AM

    Sorry, but even with the last build and following your tips the output is the same (I tried the same Integrate(x*(x+1),x) ...)

    edit: now, the listener receive only one step (the last one) also if executed in the main thread.

  4. Axel Kramer repo owner

    Do you have a repository on the web where I can see an example of your implementation?

  5. Dev AM

    Hi, unfortunately I have no public repo. But..I noticed that if I remove all other thread except the main thread everything work as it should. Maybe it is an heap issue but even trying to use largeHeap=true this doesn't work. Definitively this is not a Symja error but a bad Android memory management eventhough I don't know how to make symja + 1 other thread working together.

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