Advanced column builder

Issue #2 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov repo owner created an issue

Separate screen for defining system wide columns, using text area with code editing support (e.g. and variable number of expressions (variables used in template).

Expressions could support code completion based on issue JSON.

Correspondingly, column dialog should transform into column popup to simply add/replace column in the search view.

Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Column dialog is significantly improved:

    • issue json to make it easier to write column expression, with
    • preview based on selected issue
    • initial code completion with for template and expression
      • todo: suggest available filters after pipe (|) in expression
      • todo: expression completion in template after opening double braces or inside double braces
      • todo: fix ESC not to close dialog when suggestions are open (now dialog closing on ESC is disabled)

    Additionally, it should be possible to define angular filters.

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