
B4T Games Epic Roller Coasters Telemetry Receiver

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Revised by Lennon R. Bisolo f340530
class EpicRollerCoasters_Telemetry
    // Launch Options: -telemetry network
    // Launch Options: -telemetry network -port 7701
    // Launch Options: -telemetry network -ip -port 7701

    // Default port: 7701
    private static int port = 7701;

    private static UdpClient client;
    private static IPEndPoint anyIP;

    public static string lastReceivedUDPPacket = "";

    static void Main(string[] args)
        anyIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
        client = new UdpClient(port);

        Thread receiveThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReceiveData));
        receiveThread.IsBackground = true;

        // Holds the MainThread while looking for data

    private static void ReceiveData()
        while (true)
                byte[] data = client.Receive(ref anyIP);

                string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

                // Latest UDPPacket
                lastReceivedUDPPacket = text;
                //Console.WriteLine(">> " + lastReceivedUDPPacket);

                // UDPPacket output example:
                // S[005.001]V[023.729]F[008.801]Y[173.541]P[000.049]R[000.052]H[000.000]W[000.004]U[005.001]A[000.119]I[-000.001]O[000.000]N[00]C[00]G[00]
                // S[026.953]V[044.193]F[016.940]Y[159.710]P[001.965]R[-003.653]H[000.182]W[000.170]U[026.952]A[000.480]I[000.541]O[-000.098]N[11]C[19]G[05]

                float speed = GetNumber("S", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float vibrationIntensity = GetNumber("V", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float vibrationFrequency = GetNumber("F", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float yaw = GetNumber("Y", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float pitch = GetNumber("P", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float roll = GetNumber("R", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float heave = GetNumber("H", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float sway = GetNumber("W", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float surge = GetNumber("U", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float yawVel = GetNumber("A", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float pitchVel = GetNumber("I", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float rollVel = GetNumber("O", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float rideIndex = GetInt("N", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float carIndex = GetInt("C", lastReceivedUDPPacket);
                float gunIndex = GetInt("G", lastReceivedUDPPacket);

                string rideName = ((RideType)rideIndex).ToString();
                string carName = ((CartType)carIndex).ToString();
                string gunName = ((GunType)gunIndex).ToString();

                Console.WriteLine(">> Speed: {0}, Yaw: {1}, Pitch: {2}, Roll: {3}, Heave: {4}, Sway: {5}, Surge: {6}, YawVelocity: {7}, PitchVelocity: {8}, RollVelocity: {9}, RideName: {10}, CarName: {11}, GunName: {12}, VibrationIntensity: {13}, VibrationFrequency: {14}",
                    speed, yaw, pitch, roll, heave, sway, surge, yawVel, pitchVel, rollVel, rideName, carName, gunName, vibrationIntensity, vibrationFrequency);
            catch (Exception err)
                Console.WriteLine("[UDPReceive] Error: " + err.ToString());

    // Parse the packats
    private float GetNumber(string prefix, string data)
        string numberRx = @"\-*\d{3}\.\d{3}";
        string dataBlockRx = @"\[" + numberRx + @"\]";

        string value = new Regex(prefix + dataBlockRx).Match(data).Value;
        float number = float.Parse(new Regex(numberRx).Match(value).Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        return number;

    private int GetInt(string prefix, string data)
        string intRx = @"\-*\d{2}";
        string dataBlockRx = @"\[" + intRx + @"\]";

        string value = new Regex(prefix + dataBlockRx).Match(data).Value;
        int number = int.Parse(new Regex(intRx).Match(value).Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        return number;

    // Enums
    public enum RideType
        RockFalls = 0,
        TRexKingdom = 1,
        WyvernSiege = 2,
        Snowland = 3,
        NeonRider = 4,
        Halloween = 5,
        Armageddon = 6,
        LostForest = 7,
        DreadBlood = 8,
        TuwhenaVolcano = 9,
        None = 10,
        TropicalIsland = 11,
        NorthPole = 12,
        Twilight = 13,
        HauntedCastle = 14,
        Oasis = 15,
        GreatCanyon = 16,
        SpaceStation = 17,
        SecretCave = 18

    public enum CartType
        RockFalls = 0,
        TRexKingdom = 1,
        WyvernSiege = 2,
        Snowland = 3,
        NeonRider = 4,
        Halloween = 5,
        Armageddon = 6,
        LostForest = 7,
        DreadBlood = 8,
        TuwhenaVolcano = 9,
        None = 10,
        TropicalIsland = 11,
        NorthPole = 12,
        Twilight = 13,
        HauntedCastle = 14,
        Oasis = 15,
        GreatCanyon = 16,
        SpaceStation = 17,
        SecretCave = 18,
        Skate = 19,
        TeaCup = 20,
        Rocket = 21,
        HangGlider = 22,
        Swing = 23

    public enum GunType
        NONE = 0,
        SLINGSHOT = 1,
        DART = 2,
        CROSSBOW = 3,
        SNOW_GUN = 4,
        LASER_GUN = 5,
        TOILET_GUN = 6,
        PISTOL = 7,
        WAND = 8,
        SHOTGUN = 9

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