Bouncy castle is not picked up by jose4j

Issue #126 resolved
Raj Singh created an issue


I have enabled bouncy castle provider for my app . But still verify signature is happening through SunRSA and not through bouncycastle. I am guessing this could be due to java .security configurations in my JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security. Because if I am adding bouncycastle in same file and giving higher order with respect to SUNRSA , then verfiy signature is happening through bouncycastle . But I can't change in file . So I want to know is there any other way so that verfiy signature will happen through bouncycastle with out changing file

Comments (2)

  1. Brian Campbell

    You can add a provider programmatically (if you have permission). Some tests in this project do that - see for example. Or better yet consult the actual Oracle documentation.

    The ProviderContext might also be useful as it lets the "the caller of various JOSE and JWT functionality to specify a particular Java Cryptography Architecture provider by name for various cryptographic operations as well as a SecureRandom source of randomness."

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