CompactSerializer.deserialize not working

Issue #130 wontfix
Former user created an issue

My JWT clearly has two dots in it, but when I run it through the process method which calls the deserialize method, I get the following error: JWT processing failed. Additional details: [[17] Unable to process nested JOSE object (cause: org.jose4j.lang.JoseException: Invalid JOSE Compact Serialization. Expecting either 3 or 5 parts for JWS or JWE respectively but was 1.):

I tested using abcdef.ghijlm.nopqrs, and ran it through with some debugging, and all that came back in the parts result was: abcdef, when it should have been {abcdef, ghijlm, nopqrs}

I'm running 0.6.4 on Java 8

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    this is due to setting cty in the header as JWT, the doc are a bit misleading... I am creating a JWT, but not an enclosed one...

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