OIDC Conformance Certification - Conf Test unable to decrypt jwe recieved

Issue #136 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi Brian, We are currently trying to get our product OIDC certified. While running the conformance test for the basic profile, the test was unable to decrypt the jwe token generated by josep4j. The following is the error we got...

Key Algo: AESKW Enc Algo: AESCBC-HS256


However, when we attempted to decrypt the jwe toke using josep4j, we were able to do it successfully. We tried to force set the IV for the keywrap but realised the setIV method only sets IV for encryption of content. Is there a work around this or did you face a similar issue previously? Would appreciate your advice on this matter. Thanks!

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner

    Given the apparent context of symmetric encryption of the ID Token in OIDC, the first thing I'd look at is how the encryption key is being derived from the client secret and making sure the right key length, hash algorithm, etc. are being used.

    The relevant bit from the spec from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Encryption is:

    Symmetric Encryption

    The symmetric encryption key is derived from the client_secret value by using a left truncated SHA-2 hash of the octets of the UTF-8 representation of the client_secret. For keys of 256 or fewer bits, SHA-256 is used; for keys of 257-384 bits, SHA-384 is used; for keys of 385-512 bits, SHA-512 is used. The hash value MUST be left truncated to the appropriate bit length for the AES key wrapping or direct encryption algorithm used, for instance, truncating the SHA-256 hash to 128 bits for A128KW. If a symmetric key with greater than 512 bits is needed, a different method of deriving the key from the client_secret would have to be defined by an extension. Symmetric encryption MUST NOT be used by public (non-confidential) Clients because of their inability to keep secrets.

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