StandardCharsets.UTF_8 not available on Android before API level 19

Issue #24 resolved
DK created an issue

Using this library on Android I get a NoClassDefFoundError as it can't find the StandardCharsets class (which was added in API 19, while getting the UTF8 constant.


  Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
            at org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil.getBytesUtf8(
            at org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec.decode(
            at org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url.base64UrlDecode(
            at org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url.base64UrlDecodeToString(
            at org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url.base64UrlDecodeToUtf8String(
            at org.jose4j.jwx.Headers.setEncodedHeader(
            at org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure.setEncodedHeader(
            at org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature.setCompactSerializationParts(
            at org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure.fromCompactSerialization(
            at org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumer.process(
            at org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumer.processToClaims(

The offending line is here:


public static byte[] getBytesUtf8(String string)
        return getBytes(string, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Can you please change it so it uses the UTF-8 constant from somewhere else (or create your own UTF_8 constant)

Comments (11)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner

    I don't have a specific date in mind. But it's probably getting close to time to cut a new release. There are a few other minor enhancements I'd like to make first.

    Can you use the attached jose4j-0.4.2-SNAPSHOT.jar in the meantime?

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