Fetching Token form TokenEndPointURL

Issue #57 invalid
Vinoj Mathew created an issue

I am wondering is there any method available here to fetch the token from using grant type is credential using tokenEndpoint Url

I will have the following input

1)TokenEndPointurl -> https://login.microsoftonline.com/ed841e4cfd71414926c/oauth2/token

2) clientid/client scrent :-> xxxxxx/xxxxxx

3) grant_type---->client_credentials

4) resource=>http://dataservicespoc.onmicrosoft.com/PartyOData

This will return the token:



Comments (5)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner

    That's really beyond the scope of this library, which is JOSE/JWT processing. You could use HttpURLConnection or Apache's HttpClient to make the HTTP request. There are likely OAuth client libraries too, which could help, but if all you need is a POST with the client credentials, one of those (or similar) is probably enough. JsonUtil in this library is a simple tool that can parse the response or and JSON processor that you like.

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