Certificate chain validation when x5c attributes are present

Issue #60 wontfix
Vinoj Mathew created an issue

Hi there,

While validating the claim I am seeing some validation against the n and e attributes against the key generate from the chain of x5c attributes (if it present). But from the chain of x5c attributes it just pick the 0th base64 ecoded element

I am talking about RsaJsonWebKey. checkForBareKeyCertMismatch() ---> method and comparing the public key if both are same and then do further validation

Is there any logic to perform a full trust chain validation against the chain of certificate contained in the x5c attribute list

Could you please provide me some example or document if any available


Comments (2)

  1. Brian Campbell repo owner

    No, there's nothing in the library for doing the certificate chain validation. The checkForBareKeyCertMismatch() is there to enforce the requirement in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517#section-4.7 that "The key in the first certificate MUST match the public key represented by other members of the JWK." But doing full certificate chain validation (or not), what the trust roots are, revocation checking, etc. is more up to the application using JWK. Take a look at Java's CertPathValidator for "validating certification paths (also known as certificate chains)".

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