Write video frames to image files (Dual-ISO)

Issue #124 new
Michal Powalko created an issue

Exporting each and every frame from video file (MLV or MOV) to single image files could be interesting for someone, who is working in Dual-ISO mode and would like to save Low ISO & High ISO frames as separeted images (those images can be further process e.g. in Photomatix).

Instead of doing some tricks in Adobe Effects to get such Low ISO & High ISO images, like e.g. splitting the streams, tweaking the video speed, etc... as described here: http://cgi.tutsplus.com/tutorials/a-simple-way-to-shoot-hdr-video-footage-using-magic-lantern--ae-20993, one could use such "out of the box" feature implemented in MlRawViewer :)

This could be realised by quite "straight-forward" FFmpeg syntax - there is no need to bother neither about video frame rates nor size (unless the user would like to have specific output).

This might contribute to solve (or at least try to point direction) https://bitbucket.org/baldand/mlrawviewer/issue/81/dual-iso-support

Export lossless images (as PNG or TIFF):

ffmpeg -i "MLV_Input" -f image2 Img-%04d.png
ffmpeg -i "MLV_Input" -f image2 Img-%04d.tiff

Export lossy images (as JPG):

ffmpeg -i "MLV_Input" -f image2 Img-%04d.jpeg

FFmpeg documentation about the muxer "image2" can be found there: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#image2-2

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