Fixed pattern/sensor noise supression

Issue #31 resolved
Andrew Baldwin repo owner created an issue

Pattern noise, especially vertical stripes is often visible in shadow areas. Made more obvious with log encoding.

At the least we should reproduce ML vertical strip reducing code or something similar.

Comments (15)

  1. Tiago Costa

    I think, and special with the 7D we need this... even if i work with ISO 100 and the image is with good light the shadow areas will be always with this vertical noise, that make the image unusable.

    An option for upload some black clip for dark frame subtract will be enough for deal with this.

    How can this work? If the app already have the path for dark frame clip (wend read from metadata from MLV) he will do the conversion. If it can't find the right dark frame path (because different ISO, shutter speed, etc...) we will prompt some window for you upload this new clip for subtract.

    Just some thought...

  2. Tiago Costa

    Not possible to add the option to upload a mlv video for dark frame subtraction in the next release?

  3. Andrew Baldwin reporter

    mlv_dump has this option. Have you tried and had success reducing the noise?

    When I have studied the noise patterns 7D dark frames produce, I see them dominated (especially at ISO 100 and 200) by non-fixed stripe patterns that change over time.

    It would be good to hear confirmation that static dark frames do make some improvement.

  4. Tiago Costa

    Yes, I know but I'm no good at command lines and for batch is not good workflow. Would be just great if have the possibility to upload mlv for make the subtraction.

    In the forum of ML geggo have made one test and the vertical noise pattern have disappear. For raw video must be mlv black video, maybe 5 seconds is enough for the little changing in the vertical pattern noise. I have a lot of that also at ISO 100 and 400. The 7D have a lot of this problem, unfortunately.

    I will try to find that test from the forum and post here for you to check. The static dark frames remove the vertical pattern and for sure that in video mode this subtraction frame will work good.

    With this dark subtract option and the new ISO and noise reduction that A1ex is working I think everything will be nice in the 7D at least in video mode.

  5. Tiago Costa

    Yes indeed Martin. MLV have good metadata, If you forgot what settings you have record, like ISO, frame rate, fps, etc... You just need to check the settings in the MLV file and make your owne MLV black file with the right settings... Then just need to upload in the GUI and do the magic.

    If the command existe I think it's easy to implement a option that you can upload a file for make the subtraction.

    I have soo many MLV files recorded at ISO100 full with vertical noise/strips that with this front end option would benefit so good and save the day.

    Please Baldand if it easy because the command already existe add the option for use it and let us try if works good. With the 7D if all the frame is not good lit the image will suffer from this, vertical noise stripes.

  6. claudewolke

    Hi Andrew, thanks for introducing this demosaic feature, its realy a big step for the mlv world. i want to ask to make it more strong, or more adjustiable, when i watch the converted files on my full hd monitor, it became visible again. In rawtherapee 4.01. I figured out that i have to set the linenoisefilter to 70 for my 5d mark3 files, to make it invisible. But rawtherapee is not a workflow for mlv processing.

  7. claudewolke

    Hi Andrew, i dont get to awnser you in an other way but here are two files from my mark 3 with Iso 100 and Iso 800. both of this show fine vertical stribes - in the white areas they become visible. The funny thing for me is that the draw mode looks better for the material. The other problem was that i get magenta pixel in dark areas, not in the preview but in the .mov after transcoding - this happends in the 1.1.5. version of mlrviewer. here are two files for your testing:

  8. Andrew Baldwin reporter

    This enhancement feature is now in 1.1.6 packages. I'm going to mark this entry now as fixed even though it will undergo further development. Please feel free to raise specific problems and requests with the feature as in new issues.

  9. claudewolke

    Dear Andrew,

    I tried it one hour before with the new version, i know that I am late, please make a try by yourself with the footage look in the sky above the roof. In the last weeks i use several applications but no one solve this problem with the stripes. Or do you have any suggestions?

    best Regards from Berlin Christian

    Am 27.05.2014 21:35, schrieb Andrew Baldwin:

  10. Andrew Baldwin reporter

    I tried the MLV and I can see also that the stripes, although reduced, are still visible in the sky area. I will see if anything can be done to improve the result.

  11. claudewolke

    Thankyou, if there is somethink to do or to test just let me know. kindest regards

    Am 27.05.2014 22:53, schrieb Andrew Baldwin:

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