Mov files with bad video sync. Sources at specific fps.

Issue #41 resolved
Fernando Freire created an issue

With several fps overrides on source, for instance 36 fps on no crop mode over 1080p canon video mode (RAW or MLV), the resulting movs are NOK (the video flickers up and down). I think that it's not able to guess the source fps. The DNG's are OK.

Perhaps it's not the solution, but in either case it will be useful that we can choose the mov fps (source, 24, 25, 30, 48, 60) for instance.

Comments (5)

  1. Fernando Freire reporter

    at 2656x958 12 fps (6D) NOK the export to MOV. It's OK othe resolutions on 12 fps. I don't know if it is the same problem.

  2. Fernando Freire reporter

    more on diagnostics: nothing to do with fps or video format: if we open a video and work on this video not problem, the problem arises when I move from clip to clip (O, P options) that have miscelaneous settings, there was some info that is not refreshed (fps or so) and then the issue when exporting to mov.

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