Option for save anamorphic source to movs or DNG unsquetched.

Issue #42 new
Fernando Freire created an issue

One implementation if viewing in anamorphic unsquetched(A), and we save to mov, the mov saved would be unsquetched also.

Comments (2)

  1. Ryan Correll

    This would be fantastic!! When i originally saw the option to de-squeeze in this program I was super excited.. Having the option to at least print the de-squeeze that is selected to the exported QT would be amazing!! As of now it's just a great quick way to do anamorphic playback, but if it could also spit out dailies with the de-squeeze applied it would be a game changer.

  2. August Phillips

    Any update on this? Would be an incredibly useful feature to export DNGs de-squeezed. It's an excellent way to quickly view the footage, but would be an awesome option for export.

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