Purple Squares in Video Export

Issue #6 resolved
Lenny created an issue

I got this both when I used the latest update with static ffmpeg libs, and also when I changed the code to export to mov and used system avconv libs.

Large purple squares jump around in the video in lots of frames. (When I used avconv to export to mov same thing happened but the video was also upside down).

[NOTE: I'm pretty sure the grey rectangles is due to VLCs decoding.]

Comments (4)

  1. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    I saw something similar on 2 different PCs when I started using 444 prores. It went away when I changed my system libav to use the latest real ffmpeg version (instead of the avconv). I think it's a decode error with that block format (which is not very commonly used).

    Ubuntu PPA: https://launchpad.net/~jon-severinsson/+archive/ffmpeg

    Anyway, my guess is this is not an mlrawviewer issue as such (I think the data output is good). But of course it does make use of 444 a problem.

  2. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    Allow barriers between log2/demosaic/exp2 sections

    The nowait directive was allowing the demosaic to run before the log preprocessing. This was causing random purple blocks in the output. Removed the nowaits.

    Fixes issue #6.

    → <<cset 0bc170d0f58c>>

  3. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    My mistake. It was nothing to do with playback. It was because the OMP blocks in the CPU demosaicing had "nowait" after them. So they didn't wait, but went ahead and processed with the wrong data, which caused the purple blocks.

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