1.1.5 Mac Export not working

Issue #63 invalid
Former user created an issue

When I open a file, set in and out points, and try to export DNG, it doesn't export. I've also tried to batch export and I even moved a single file to a different location on my hard drive and it still doesn't work. The export just say 0% and never changes. The previous version 1.1.4 Mac works great.

Thank you very much for developing this program. It is a great help.


Comments (2)

  1. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    In 1.1.5 the export queue works a little differently. Once a file is added with E, you need to start executing the queue by clicking the red circle (to make it bright) or press Y. Pressing again pauses the queue execution.

    Marking as not a bug. Please reopen if you are doing this but it does not work.

  2. Lukáš Chmela

    I'm experiencing exactly the same issue with version 1.1.5 on Ubuntu 13.04 with Python 2.7.4 from repository.

    I press E, the file name appears in the bottom left corner, then I click the red circle but nothing happens. The percentage changes after ~5 seconds to 0.02% but this is the only progress ever. Then nothing new happens.

    I've uncommented some print commands from the ExportQueue.py to see what is going on, hopefully it will be more useful for you:

    MOV export to /home/lukaschmela/Plocha/M17-2135_000002.MOV started /home/lukaschmela/Plocha/magic-lantern-new/contrib/mlrawviewer/ffmpeg Encoder args: ['/home/lukaschmela/Plocha/magic-lantern-new/contrib/mlrawviewer/ffmpeg', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'rgb48', '-s', '1152x348', '-r', '29.997', '-i', '-', '-an', '-f', 'mov', '-vf', 'vflip', '-vcodec', 'prores_ks', '-profile:v', '4', '-alpha_bits', '0', '-vendor', 'ap4h', '-q:v', '4', '-r', '29.997', '/home/lukaschmela/Plocha/M17-2135_000002.MOV'] Subprocess args: {'stdin': -1, 'bufsize': -1, 'stderr': -2, 'stdout': -1} 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02%

    I originally used ffmpeg from Ubuntu repository and then downloaded static ffmpeg 64bit build from 2014-05-16 and got the same result with both. I may be missing an essential requirement but I have no idea what that could be. I even run "setup.py build" and installed pyaudio, numpy and opengl Python libraries.

    Thank you in advance.

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