White balance eyedropper

Issue #74 resolved
Michael Anthony created an issue

It's much too easy to click within the video window unintentionally which resets the white balance. I find myself doing this quite often. Would be much better to require first selecting an icon (eyedropper).

Comments (5)

  1. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    I understand ths issue, but I'm wondering how to do this so it doesn't make the workflow harder.

    I often want to click multiple times until I'm happy with the balance it gives, so I wouldn't want to have to click the dropper icon for each new attempt. So it should be a state much like the current behaviour. But then you would have to remember to change the state when you're happy with the balance, or else have it turn itself off automatically after a short while.

    My proposal would be that - click the dropper to change into balancing state, then you can click in the scene many times until you're happy - and after 30 seconds of no new balance clicks it would drop out of balancing state.

  2. Johann Schür

    Hey nice WORK!

    Im no programmer, so i dont know whats possible. my idea for this:

    hold ALT button and klick. or a other key. "W" - for White Balance for example.

    And you can maybe easily make that pusch "H" shows all the shortcuts in a list.

  3. Michael Anthony reporter

    Andrew, a dropper icon reflecting the current active state is good idea. I don't think a 30 second timeout is really necessary as well as being a bit non-standard compared to other similar software. What would be helpful would be changing the cursor to something different to reflect that you are in white balance selection mode. That way, there would never be any confusion that clicking within the video window would change the white balance.

  4. Michael Anthony reporter

    Happy and grateful to see this addition... no more inadvertently changing white balance :) I think the implementation is very good but I am having problems with the eyedropper icon not turning red indicating it is active. I find that it will generally turn red when initially clicked, but afterwards, will not turn red upon clicking. It takes a resize of the window to reveal that the tool is active and red. I'm running Windows 7 w/ Nvidia graphics.

    Other feedback... It would be good if you can click the eyedropper a second time in case you want turn if off without changing the white balance.

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