Persisting Clip Settings

Issue #75 resolved
Michael Anthony created an issue

Would also be nice if the white balance/brightness/in/out points/etc persisted when navigating between multiple video files. May I suggest storing these settings in text file per clip which would allow one to move the original clip to a different location along with it's corresponding settings.

Comments (9)

  1. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    Very good suggestion

    Another important piece of data for the settings file would be the name of any matching audio file, and time offset, in case an external audio recorder is being used.

  2. Michael Anthony reporter

    Yes... the audio file name and offset would be very helpful. Another suggestion would be to include in that file the important metadata from the video file (camera, lens, focal length, shutter, aperture, iso, resolution, fps, etc). I often find myself needing to look at that information during an edit and that metadata doesn't transfer over to Premiere. Having that in the settings file would allow me to completely discard the original .raw/mlv files once transcoding/dng extractions have been done.

  3. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    I see two different things here:

    • A (binary) persistance file for MlRawViewer to store all kinds of per-clip settings that are not in the original source files

    • A (text, human readable) info file which could be created along with each DNG or MOV export to show the original metadata that is in the clip (in case the original MLV is deleted).

    The first one I have started to implement, also to store MLV frame indexes.

    The second would be a nice-to-have, but won't come so soon.

  4. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    5f164dcddbcd81301d831e7f69ce29c3bb10e835 added an command line script which can generate the MLV indexes for all files found in a subtree. Not sure if this functionality will ever be integrated with the main app, but it's useful in case you have many archived MLVs (like I do) and you want them to load and play immediately in future.

  5. Michael Anthony reporter

    For neatness sake when viewing all the extracted DNG files in a folder, it might be better to name the MRX file with an additional underscore (such as M05-2008__000000.MRX). This keeps the DNGs all grouped together when sorted by filename. Just a nitpick but thought I'd mention it while it's still early enough to change without affecting too many people.

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