Play/pause icon sense backwards

Issue #78 new
stevefal created an issue

Convention for a combined play/pause button is for the 'pause' icon to display while playing, and 'play' icon while paused. MLViewer has it backwards.

Comments (2)

  1. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    Generally, the logic of the app UI has been for the icons, many of which have more than 2 states, to show the current state rather than what clicking the icon will change the state into next. (One exception now is the "+" icon to add an item to the export queue, which is purely an action, and not a state)

    Anyway, the play/pause icon follows this logic by showing the current state (playing which playing, paused while paused) rather than showing what will happen when clicking the icon.

    I understand this is not how other apps do it, but at the moment I prefer to keep the logic of the icons consistent within the app, rather than have that one icon behave differently just because it does in other apps.

    Of course, if lots of people vote for this to be changed, then I will change it!

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