access violation reading 0x000001E0

Issue #84 invalid
Former user created an issue

I can't view any of my mlv files on my windows 7 64bits, ATI radeon HD 4350, nothing happen whan i drag and drop to the icon or after associate the program and double click.Comodo defense+ pop up showing "mlraviwer.exe try to lauch mlrawviwer.exe", Don't know if it's the normal for un exe to lauch itself. here is the log

MlRawViewer v1.1.7 (c) Andrew Baldwin & contributors 2013-2014 Using GLFW wavnames [] wavfilename C:\Users\Sylvain\Desktop\M24-1707.WAV Opening MLV file C:\Users\Sylvain\Desktop\M24-1707.MLV Black level: 2048 White level: 15000 FPS: 29.776 (29776/1000) Audio frame count 7 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1896, in <module> File "<string>", line 1889, in main File "<string>", line 712, in init File "c:\Projects\MRV\build\mlrawviewer_win\out00-PYZ.pyz\GLComputeGLFW", line 146, in init File "c:\Projects\MRV\build\mlrawviewer_win\out00-PYZ.pyz\GLComputeGLFW", line 165, in installCallbacks File "<string>", line 8, in glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback WindowsError: exception: access violation reading 0x000001E0

Comments (5)

  1. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    Have you used an earlier version of the program without problems on the same machine, or is this the first time you have tried it?

    Do you have recent versions of the ATI display drivers installed? Are you sure you have working OpenGL on your computer (have you used OpenGL with any other programs?)

    The program does have to launch some other exes (embedded ones) both to start the main program, and to show some dialogs. If Comodo gives option to allow the program to do that, you should accept (otherwise the program won't work properly).

  2. Sylvain cout

    That finally work.I think a part of the problem is dialog.exe that create folders in TEMP with a unique name at every launch of mlrawviewer.In comodo I have 5 autorised folders with unique name, so comodo always think it's a new program and asking me everytime to allow dialog.exe.

  3. Andrew Baldwin repo owner

    So the program doesn't crash now, but you have to answer the Comodo question every time you use it?

    If so, that's unfortunate, but there probably isn't anything I can do about it. That's just how the program works (it's because of the way Python is packaged into a self contained windows program by pyinstaller).

  4. Sylvain cout

    After rebooting the computer, nothing happened again when i try to launch the program.No comodo asking, nothing. But I think the problem is with the computer, and not with your program. If i find a solution i will post it here. Thanks for you help!

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