Simplify restarts and checkpointing

Issue #18 wontfix
Balaji Pokuri created an issue

Currently, it saves the state of the optimization through a dictionary. However, it can be more useful if it just saves the data (x,y) . During restart, it can use add_point() to add to the total population. This can enable:

  • easy testing of hyperparameters
  • reduction of runs, the data can be simple appended and not over-written. calculation of covariance matrix should be done after every restart.

Comments (6)

  1. Balaji Pokuri reporter

    It is better if we store the actual query point, rather than the aliased query point. This feature may need implementation and usage of alias_parameters() and unalias_parameters() so that the storage will be in actual dimensions and not in the parametric space we are optimizing.

  2. Balaji Pokuri reporter

    current strategy is good enough, considering that we are not going to do alias-unalias method

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