Rework Extradimensional Phylactery Squires

Issue #10 resolved
Former user created an issue

Extradimensional phylactery squires have odd and problematic behavior.

As the Wraith-Knights they create are of the Putus Templar Faction and the phylactery squires themselves are extradimensional psychic assassins, they are hostile to each other and will fight each other to the death.

More importantly, since their summoners are psychic assassins, they have no associated phylactery and cannot be deactivated. This usually results in an eternally (almost) immortal Wraith-Knight that can only be killed through sources of instant death.

Perhaps this is intended behavior, but it goes against the flavor of extradimensional psychic assassins. Perhaps a check upon death of the summoner can be made to remove associated Wraith-Knights, or an exception can be made to allow the phylactery to drop from psychic assassins.

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