[MODDING] manifest.json

Issue #1005 resolved
Armithaig created an issue

Mod configuration split between 4 files: config.json, modconfig.json, display.txt, workshop.json.

Problematic when creating a mod manager, as gnarf effectively is. Confusing for modders. Only workshop.json defines a mod image/description, leaving non-workshop mods bare.


Merge into just config.json which is platform neutral, leave workshop.json to handle just that, the workshop page.

Add new fields to config.json used by the mod manager:

Name/ID - The name of the mod in the menu.

Author/s - Who made the mod.

Description - A short text blurb about the mod.

Version - What version of the mod this is.

Image - An image to display in the list.

Here’s some mod configuration files from other games to look at;



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