[#beta-bugs] i can't seem to give the repulsive device to nacham. i haven't reached the rest ...

Issue #10122 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent

Message (jump):

<xx_l1ch3nluvr_xx> i can't seem to give the repulsive device to nacham. i haven't reached the rest of the children so far but i am on the appropriate quest step. i encountered and killed k goninon before talking getting the quest, for posterity

Comments (2)

  1. Ashe

    occurs on all 4 biomechs, it allows you to offer it, registering that you do indeed have the device, but fails on the confirm step only giving you the back out option

    ERROR - Error adding Choice by ID RepairNachamChoice :System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at XRL.World.Conversations.ConversationDelegates.RemoveItem (XRL.World.Conversations.DelegateContext Context) [0x00005] in <2ec9b2fdfe774075a52226c7bb5a2f27>:0 
      at XRL.World.Conversations.ConversationDelegates+<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<LoadDelegates>b__0 (XRL.World.Conversations.IConversationElement e, System.String x) [0x00012] in <2ec9b2fdfe774075a52226c7bb5a2f27>:0 
      at XRL.World.Conversations.IConversationElement.LoadAttributes (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] Attributes) [0x000cd] in <2ec9b2fdfe774075a52226c7bb5a2f27>:0 
      at XRL.World.Conversations.IConversationElement.Load (XRL.World.Conversations.ConversationXMLBlueprint Blueprint) [0x0000c] in <2ec9b2fdfe774075a52226c7bb5a2f27>:0 
      at XRL.World.Conversations.IConversationElement.Create[T] (XRL.World.Conversations.ConversationXMLBlueprint Blueprint) [0x00005] in <2ec9b2fdfe774075a52226c7bb5a2f27>:0 
      at XRL.World.Conversations.IConversationElement.LoadChild (XRL.World.Conversations.ConversationXMLBlueprint Blueprint) [0x0007a] in <2ec9b2fdfe774075a52226c7bb5a2f27>:0 
      at XRL.World.Conversations.IConversationElement.Load (XRL.World.Conversations.ConversationXMLBlueprint Blueprint) [0x0003e] in <2ec9b2fdfe774075a52226c7bb5a2f27>:0 

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