Journal Displaying Incorrect Information Under Some Circumstances

Issue #10201 open
Mason created an issue

This issue was discovered when I was trying to mod something, but it does seem to be with the game and not the mod.

With an action in the mod, you can add one or more “Esper Target” locations to the journal with an activated ability. And if you go to that location, it’s removed from your journal as to not waste space when you might use the ability a lot. And if you use the ability again with any target locations still in the journal, it will replace them.

The issue is that when replacing them, or sometimes when you arrive and it’s removed and you add more locations to the journal soon after, it might display the old location’s information instead of the new ones. The location is always correct on the map though, but not the journal. If you save and reload the game, it will usually change and display the correct directions in the journal. So because the map is fine and it changes to be correct after a while or saving and re-loading, I think the issue is probably the journal not updating it’s directions when it should be. Maybe because within that short timeframe of replacing, it can lose an amount of entries and then gain that same amount back. So maybe because it has the same amount, it doesn’t think it needs to immediately update. Though that’s just a hunch.

I’ve attached a zip of the mod if that helps.

EDIT: I did some more testing and now think the problem is with JournalScreen.GetRawEntriesFor. I made a Postfix for GetRawEntiesFor to get the result of it and compare it to JournalAPI.Mapnotes (narrowed down only to revealed things). You can see in the screenshot that JournalAPI.Mapnotes and GetRawEntriesFor show different results. JournalAPI.Mapnotes shows the new and correct location, GetRawEntriesFor shows the old and incorrect location. I also attached the file using harmony I used to do the test.

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