[Bug] Squares instead of key names (not save-related)

Issue #10264 open
Waster Of Orange created an issue

Instead of key names (example: A to open abilities) in most of the menus I have these squares that make reading hotkeys unreadable.
I re-installed the game, desynced it from Steam Cloud, checked if the files are alright, deleted all the files from LocalLow, the issue still persists.

There’re no mods turned on in my game. There were but I turned them all off and even unsubscribed from all of them.

The issue isn't 100% consistent. For example when I press Esc in-game I'm able to see the hotkeys that I'm supposed to use.

Player log indicated to me this error:
The character with Unicode value \u0424 was not found in the [SourceCodePro-Regular SDF] font asset or any potential fallbacks. It was replaced by Unicode character \u25A1 in text object [Hotkey].
This is a Russian letter Ф (same place on a keyboard as English letter A). I have Russian keyboard installed and Russian is my system language. However, swapping the language in game doesn’t help.

The only thing that helped me is opening keybind menu, entering any keybind there, swapping the language. Then it works again UNTIL I close the game. I need to repeat this procedure every session.

How this bug looks (1 - look into Abilitites to the left)

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