Recurrence of bug RE: unable to rifle through trash (outside inventory menu)

Issue #10269 open
Terra Parker created an issue

A few years ago you had a player post a bug where their Arconaut couldn’t rifle through trash anymore despite Scavenge being on. The ticket was here:

No action was taken due to the lack of a save file.

I just encountered the same issue with my Scholar, and this time I have a save file for you. I tried looking through my settings and changing things, as well as quitting the game and reloading, and it didn’t fix it. Included is my save file.

Comments (3)

  1. Terra Parker reporter

    Ok, interesting: I loaded the game up after posting this issue, same as before. I picked up a couple trashes to rifle through in my menu later, but then I fought and killed a random eyeless crab. Suddenly, next time I pass by some trash, issue solved! Weird.

    Then I got killed by a defanged girshling a few turns later.

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