The Liquid Collection from Pools Problem

Issue #10279 new
Ashe created an issue

Currently, the behaviour for retrieving liquids is less than ideal. As of current, when interacting with a pool of liquid, your options for retrieving the liquid are:
collect: Take literally as much liquid as will fit into all of your empty containers.

pour: Take liquid into a container you specify, then an amount you specify.

Not only is this not ideal functionality to me, the names used for the features are somewhat misleading (#5029). To me, it seems like it would be better for collect to be called “collect all”, and pour to be called “pour into”.

An additional problem is observed with pour also: the order in which the containers are ordered is nonsensical/random(?), which has been previously reported (#5805). Personally, I think it would be best if the ordering was empty, partially full of the liquid you are collecting, partially full of a different liquid, then full.

Additionally, a useful feature to add beyond the above changes would be the ability to collect an amount you specify into any container(s). #7412 is somewhat relevant here, but rather than capping out at only filling one container, fill as many empty containers as is necessary to contain the amount of drams you have specified (or fail if you do not have the requisite capacity). This would also ideally prioritise bigger (safe/ideal) containers, a problem that is observed with autocollecting fresh water etc currently (#5055). Since the collect name would be freed up by changing the previous feature to “collect all”, you could use the name for this feature, since that’s the functionality I would expect from the name.

All in all, this would really improve the functionality around collecting liquids from pools, particularly from new players who have no idea what to expect from the options presented to them.

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