When recruiting a troll, they leave troll foals that turn hostile when you leave the area

Issue #10319 open
gewd created an issue

I beguiled the troll Jotun who parts limbs. He spawns allied troll foals every few rounds. However when I enter a new area, he leaves some of the foals behind and they turn aggro and start killing everyone. This could potentially be a run ender as they are killing everyone in grit gate right now. They might not be dangerous but npcs are getting killed through friendly fire.

Comments (4)

  1. gewd reporter

    I don’t know if you are working on this but I believe I’ve discovered a major reason why this happens. I think if any sub-followers get left in an area, they revert to a normal monster because their follower left the zone. This just happened to me when I made a clone of a follower and left him in a village. after I left, the follower started attacking everyone in the village (according to wiki apes are hostile to most factions). However unlike the foals, it was still friendly to me.

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